Promotion of the Smartphone App
Promotion of the debit and credit cards
Promotion of the Smartphone App
Promotion of the Smartphone App πŸ“±
Promotion of the Smartphone App
Promotion of the digital card
Promotion of the financial blog
Instagram Highlight Covers
Promotion of the Magazine
Promotion of the Magazine
International Women's day: Promotion of the magazine and career pages
#TogetherAgainstCorona Campaign
New Year's greetings on Linkedin πŸš€
May 22 is the Bitcoin Pizza Day 🌢🌢🌢
Fidor Bank + Kraken = ❀️
International Women's day: Promotion of the online magazine
Promotion of the Self-Service pages
Halloween appreciation post

Social media

Creation of social media posts: pictures, videos, texts in German and English.

Since June 2022, I am also the company admin of the social media accounts. I plan the publications using the tool Facelift and their promotion in the Meta Business suit. I also manage the budget and do the reporting.

Role: Graphic Designer, Social Media manager
Client: Fidor Bank
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