Fidor Magazine

Here, I choose to completely reorganised the homepage and the categories pages of the blog and replaced the monotonous list of articles by a presentation in several parts:

  • A first part contains the latest published articles,
  • The second part contains a selection of articles around a new theme each month: insurance, taxes, children, travel… I choose the theme according to the products that the company want to highlight, or the general actuality of the month.
  • After analizing the data provided by Google Analytics, I also update the list of articles that were read the most the previous month.

I built it using a system of content blocks that can be easily copied, pasted and updated by each user of the CMS, and respectful of web semantics. Two sizes of images are created and reused in the different pages (homepage, category page, article and Instagram scroll) to generate less server request and let the user consume less data.

I publish between 2 and 4 articles per month. The writter send me a Word document and I implement the article in the CMS, choose the iconography, publish it and do post the promotion in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (in German) and LinkedIn (in English).

25 000 pages were viewed in 2021!

I can also create a video to insert in the article to please the search engine:

Kryptowährungen – eine Anleitung für Einsteiger
Role: Graphic Designer
Client: Fidor Bank
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